Localizing Opening Glass Wall Production: Good for Customers, Business, the Environment, and America


Figure 1: An image of NanaWall Systems newly expanded Richmond-based manufacturing facility.

If you follow the opening glass wall industry closely, you may have noticed articles about NanaWall Systems’ expansion. Yes, it’s true: we’ve significantly added capabilities to our local manufacturing plant.

Expanding a manufacturing facility is a big investment – one that we’re excited about. But why do we think that taking this step is so important at this point? There are a few reasons:

The first motive behind the decision was to provide a better experience for our customers. Our customers are always the first consideration in our decisions.


Figure 2: NanaWall Systems founder and CEO, Ebrahim Nana, cutting the ribbon with Stefan Holtgreife, the CEO of Solarlux, our German partner.

We want to shorten the wait time for more of our customers. Increasing the capacity of local production decreases the lead time for more of our customers. In construction projects every step of development is contingent on another material being in place. A matter of weeks can be the difference between hitting a project’s deadline or not. By shortening lead times we can provide NanaWall Systems to customers quicker and help them hit their project deadlines.

Production expansion also makes business sense for us. Increasing production capacity allows us to meet the demand for our product for years to come. The decision to expand production isn’t just beneficial for the short-term, but it’s a sustainable action for the good of the business’s future. This expansion increases the company’s capacity by 125%.


Figure 3: NanaWall Systems branded shipping containers.

There is one more reason we’re excited about expansion. The new manufacturing facility will bring more manufacturing jobs to the city of Richmond; one of the great industrial cities in the Bay Area. On this day, when Americans recognize our independence with gratitude to the founders, it’s with luxury we take a break from work and enjoy our families. But notice how fortunate we are to live in a country where business and employment opportunities are plentiful. At NanaWall Systems, we’re humbled to provide opportunities for Americans to build careers and contribute to society.

Enjoy your day off America and thank you for reading! NanaWall Systems is excited to get our new-look facility up and running to do an even better job meeting your needs for opening glass wall systems!

To look into opening glass wall systems, please check out our website.


Figure 4: The Nana-Solarlux team taking a picture in front of the new-look facility. We're ready to ramp up!