Opening Glass Walls Built with Conservation in Mind

By NanaWall Systems, October 4, 2017

For many of our customers, what drives them to become consumers of NanaWall products is a desire to integrate with nature; to create as little separation between the built environment and its surroundings as possible.

If you plan to build in an area rich with wildlife, you may be interested to know that we offer a number of conservation-focused products.

Building in an area that is gloriously a-fowl with avian creatures? Consider a system with Ornilux glass, as shown above with NanaWall HSW75 frameless opening glass wall. Up to a billion birds die due to collisions with glass in the United States per year, according to the American Bird Conservancy.

When a bird sees images reflected upon glass, it does not occur to the bird that what it sees is merely a reflection; it sees the surrounding landscape reflected upon the glass as just that; a landscape, and assumes it can fly right through it. Ornilux glass prevents bird collisions by creating ultraviolet patterns within the glass that while mostly invisible to the human eye, make the glass far more visible to birds.

Ornilux glass is particularly useful in commercial applications that feature all glass facades, as they are especially prone to creating bird collisions.

Our fine-feathered friends aren’t the only critters we’re looking out for though. Perhaps you live in a region that is beloved by bears. In certain areas of bear country, a bear that successfully breaks into a home must be euthanized in order to prevent very likely future break-ins perpetrated by that same bear. Thus, the easiest way to prevent bear euthanasia is to ensure that bears are never able to enter your home at all.

Fortunately, we have a product for that. BEARricadeTM provides all the attributes of a NanaWall opening glass wall—indoor/outdoor lifestyle, fresh air ventilation, and open views—now with bear-resistant strength added to its list of unmatched performance attributes. This system is specifically designed for security and strength while providing large glass openings, up to 38-feet wide, and formidable weather protection.

Reinforced structural posts, bear-resistant hardware, and impact rated laminated glass provide unparalleled strength that impedes the bear’s ability to “push in” the glass panels.

As thrilling as a bear sighting might be, we think being separated by a largely impenetrable glass wall is as close as we would want to get, and we assume you and/or your clients feel similarly. BEARricade, it lets you bring the outside in, without the bears.

NanaWall is committed to helping architects, business owners, homeowners, and builders find the solutions they need in order to integrate architecture with the outdoors in the most outdoor-friendly way possible.

Have questions about Ornilux glass or BEARricade? Connect immediately with a NanaWall expert.