How NanaWall can help you create a bigger family home

Opening Up Spaces Using Foldable Glass Walls

Creating a bigger family home doesn’t have to mean building on complex and costly extensions or adding additional floors – it can be as simple and dramatic as opening up spaces using foldable glass walls.

Family homes of old focused on dividing living spaces, separating rooms for different uses, with an outdoors independent of your household. But modern family homes have done away with solid walls and cumbersome swing doors and instead opt for sliding glass walls and open plan designs that let light and air in and serve as a dynamic way to transform your home.

Current Space Planning Trends

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Letting fresh air and sunlight in has several crucial lifestyle benefits – but few also realize how much additional floor space you will add to your home by adding a moveable glass wall. And if you’re considering a remodel of your existing home, this may be the best change you could ever make.

Dropping physical walls and outdated patio doors will create a feature of the transition zone between your home and outside spaces. It will also drastically expand your perception of space – the floor-to-ceiling walls allow unobstructed views of the outdoors, even when closed.

But push them open, and you’ll instantly feel how easily you can increase your floor space and create a bigger family home. Gone are the restrictive barriers, and in their place is a seamless way to move between your indoor and outdoor spaces.

Spaces Redefined by Glass Patio Doors

NanaWalls aren’t just about increasing your floor space and dropping barriers indoors and out. You can completely transform your inside living spaces by removing internal walls and replacing them with NanaWalls.

Internal NanaWalls will let light through, increasing the perception of space, but they also allow you dynamic control of your home. And with the gentle glide of a wall, you can combine rooms or expand them depending on how much space you need.

For before and after inspiration and increasing your floor space, take a look at our remodel gallery.

"Much of the design blurs the line between inside and out and the NanaWall systems in several locations accentuate this effect." - William Duff, Principal, WDA

More Inspiration for Your Next Project

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