Modern Hotel Lobby

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Large hotel lobby - bifolding glass wall systems
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What Our Customers Have to Say

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Hyatt Regency Waikiki

A unique and memorable guest experience was created by opening up this lobby of Hyatt Regency Waikiki with NanaWall SL45 systems to the gorgeous environment beyond.

See Case Study

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Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six

During its recent multi-million-dollar renovation, the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six added an aesthetic, flexible solution to dividing and closing off its restaurant area.

See Case Study

“Using the NanaWall as a window system instead of a door system controls access to the space, while allowing it to feel completely open, blurring the line between interior and exterior." 

— Albert Miller, JWDA, Architect

See Case Study

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cero minimal moveable glass walls - opening exterior
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Large Deck Folding Glass Walls Overlooking the Valley
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Segmented curved sliding glass walls at JW Marriot Nashville