Naples Residence

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What Our Customers Have to Say

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HSW60 indoor outdoor living room with sliding glass patio doors
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Pacific Northwest Residence

Energy efficiency and performance was an important consideration for this Vancouver BC residence. HSW60 system provides the ability to store the system completely out of sight when open but also provides outdoor access through a single-acting swing panel.

See Case Study

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Modern living room with large moveable glass walls overlooking a landscape of hills.
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SL70 large house in a mountain valley with a sustainable architectural design at Wapiti Valley
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Wapiti House

For this Wyoming vacation home, the goal was to create a sustainable design that incorporated as many “green” materials as possible.  The NanaWall systems used are all-aluminum and have minimal sightlines which suited the aesthetics of the project.

See Case Study

“Winter on Lake Erie is brutal. Our goal was a 3-season room—we achieved an air tight 4-season room. Last year, hail and 60 mph winds left homes along this lake front with severe window damage. The NanaWalls came through without a scratch.” 

— Barbara and Ralph D, Homeowners

See Case Study

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cero minimal moveable glass walls - opening exterior
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Large Deck Folding Glass Walls Overlooking the Valley
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Segmented curved sliding glass walls at JW Marriot Nashville