Wallhalla Hotel

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Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six

During its recent multi-million-dollar renovation, the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six added an aesthetic, flexible solution to dividing and closing off its restaurant area.

See Case Study

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Hyatt Regency Waikiki

A unique and memorable guest experience was created by opening up this lobby of Hyatt Regency Waikiki with NanaWall SL45 systems to the gorgeous environment beyond.

See Case Study

“Using the NanaWall as a window system instead of a door system controls access to the space, while allowing it to feel completely open, blurring the line between interior and exterior." 

— Albert Miller, JWDA, Architect

See Case Study

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cero minimal moveable glass walls - opening exterior
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Large Deck Folding Glass Walls Overlooking the Valley
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Segmented curved sliding glass walls at JW Marriot Nashville