The Spur Restaurant

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A restaurant interior with wooden tables and cushioned stools. Accordion glass doors open to reveal large patio area offering a seamless view outside.
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A modern restaurant interior features wooden tables and chairs, a stone fireplace, and large accordion glass doors.
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A modern restaurant interior with red walls and large windows.
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Snow-covered outdoor patio of a rustic building with icicles hanging from the roof, featuring tilt turn windows.
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Snow falling on a rustic wooden building with large windows.

What Our Customers Have to Say

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SL70 restaurant exterior - folding desk doors
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Gloria's Restaurant

NanaWall gives Gloria’s Restaurant the opportunity to transform an elegant interior dining room into a unique, al fresco dining experience in a matter of seconds.

See Case Study

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Melt Restaurant

For Melt Restaurant, NanaWall’s ability to bring the outdoors in is a perfect match for the comfortable interiors with warm wood finishes and rich, natural colors.

See Case Study

“The all-around flexible NanaWall allows for a panoramic view of the staggering mountainous landscape.”

Martin Hurm, Director, Bayerische Zugspitze

See Case Study

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cero minimal moveable glass walls - opening exterior
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Large Deck Folding Glass Walls Overlooking the Valley
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Segmented curved sliding glass walls at JW Marriot Nashville