Auto Showrooms

Create an Unforgettable Space in Auto Showrooms
NanaWall commercial glass sliding door systems remove the physical and psychological barriers between clients and dream vehicles. Capture the expansive natural world beyond in one elegant and dramatic gesture.

Car dealerships don't just sell vehicles, they sell image, brand, aspiration. Curbside appeal is important—the building, even the door the customer walks through, is an extension the world class brand experience the customer expects.

The oversized glass wall systems are effortlessly adaptable to allow for frequent inventory rotation for a varied and exciting display for customers

Use of NanaWall interior moveable glass doors within an auto showroom, provides flexibility and easy rotation of displayed inventory.

Floor Track Ready for Impact
All of our sills are built to withstand the impact of a vehicle, specifically the pressure exerted upon it by the vehicle’s tires, without issue.

Enhance the Customer Experience
The first thing you’ll notice about a home with moveable glass walls is just how much natural light they let in.

An Unforgettable Drive-Off Experience
Dealership owners can leverage exterior commercial glass sliding door systems to provide a stunning drive-off experience that makes for a loyal customer in the years ahead.

Each panel of the glass wall system is connected together along a single track and folds unto itself to create wide, unobstructed openings.
See Folding Glass Doors

Ultra-thin frames combined with NanaWall’s largest panel offering create maximum lines of sight and light-filled spaces.
See Sliding Glass Doors

The glass wall system is made of individual panels, each running along a single track and providing effortless design flexibility.
See Stacking Glass DoorsHeritage Cadillac
Lombard, IL

October 23, 2024

November 7, 2017

November 13, 2017